After the kid's swimming class today we went to celebrate Jason's (Mike and Mireille's little guy) 3rd birthday at Kalinga Park. It was our first time at this park. It was really nice, except you had to keep an eye on your kids because this park is the natural habitat of the little known, but extremely dangerous, Queensland Carpet Python. As an adult this species can be anywhere from 6 to 14 feet in length. Before moving closer to the cities they fed mostly on small rodents but now with the abundance of weekend travellers they have switched to eating small children. The children are a far easier catch and give the python much more to feed on ... especially if the children have had regular visits to McDonalds.
Despite our reptilian friends taking the occasional nip at an unsuspecting toddler, we had a great time. Stacey probably ended up the happiest, as Mike and Mireille gave her a bag of Crispy Crunch bars that they smuggled here from Canada. I don't even want to think about where Mike had to put that bag to get it past the custom's officer!
We almost had to sacrifice one of the sacred Crispy Crunch bars, as a bargaining chip, when a python managed to ensnare Breagha. Luckily, It's a little know fact that if a python manages to capture your child all you have to do is sprinkle a little salt on it, similar to a leech, and it will relinquish it's death hug from your little loved one (who knew...right?).
Jason enjoying his Dolphin birthday cake. It is amazing how yummy a baby dolphin can be with a little bit of frosting. Very tender.
This was before the python struck. If you look closely you may see it lurking in the shadows.
We had Shamus train for months in the deadly art of boomerang. The pythons were no match!
He looks so peaceful .... That is what they want you to think!
It is hard to tell from this picture but he is actually travelling at a speed of 40km/h. They call them the cheetah of the trees.
This guy was about 6feet long. I must say it was pretty cool to to see a python in the wild!
This was after the python incident. I'm sure with some plastic surgery she'll look like new in no time.
All and all... it was a great day at the park!
(Disclaimer: No actual python facts were used while writing this blog post. Most likely the only thing that is correct in this whole post is that it was in fact a Carpet Python and we were in a park of some sort. These snakes are very docile and most likely have no interest in McDonalds fattened children, no matter how tender they may be.)