Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What to post, what to post...

I've been wondering about this the last couple of days. We've had so much going on lately that I wonder what I should be posting about. It always seems to be the same kind of busy, just a new week!!

I did have a couple of questions I wanted to ask but I don't know if I'll get any replies!

1/ On my mind for a couple of weeks now - what does everyone do with their poinsettia after the holidays? I've already bought my Easter tulips, they're super cute. But, I still have my Christmas poinsettia. What do you do with it? I can't throw it out (that's too mean) so I've had it in our bedroom since Christmas! Still looks great and is growing...but what does everyone normally do with them? :)

2/ What does everyone do with their kids over the summer break? I've been looking at summer camps (Shamus just finished the YMCA March camp) and we need to decide. Do you send them to the same camp all summer...so the kids are nice and comfortable/familiar with that one. Or do you mix it up and give them some variety? We have 2 camps that we're keen on so I think I'll just split between the two. Who knew that there was so much to decide! Daycare is much easier and always opened!! Shamus has a day off school every month...it's crazy.

3/ Had my first fender bender this morning. I had just dropped Shamus off at school and was on the way to Breagha's daycare. There was a lot of snow and the roads were slippery. The guy 2 cars in front of me slowed down really quickly, which meant that we all had to slow down quickly. The guy behind me didn't and hit me. Not hard but he did scratch the back bumper and cracked the side of it. I've never been in an accident before (knocking on wood!) so I wasn't too prepared with getting his details. I just left with writing down his name and number. He actually works for a car dealership here so he said he will get the car fixed there. So, I was cool with that. Should I had been more "strict" with getting his insurance/etc? I thought of this after - am I too trusting? He could have told me any name and number then I'd be screwed. :( Luckily he was honest! I called him this afternoon to set things up.

4/ Kids in general - do we ever figure them out? Just when we think we have them figured out, they throw us a curve ball!! Will it be like this forever? If it's not one, it's the other. :) And how do 2 working parents keep things balanced? We work at this every week but every week it seems to be hectic. Is this forever too? Oh my!!!!!

Hmmm, these are the little things on my mind!!


Missy Ellis said...

Stace - I loved this post, this is my life as well.

1) I don't have this problem, my pointsetta dies - not a green thumb

2) My kids go to camp. I think it depends on the kid. Mike tends to go to the same location all summer he likes to settle in - usually some options to choose from each week like sports, lego, art, etc. Megan likes to do everything and is comfortable everywhere so she will do a couple weeks with Mike and she will also do a week long soccer camp and this year wants to do a week long drama camp.

3) Yes you are too trusting, but it is why we love you and you know what it works for you so don't change

4)If someone figures them out be sure to let me know - Mike turns 10tomorrow (a whole decade he likes to remind me)and every year, season, month and sometimes week brings something new! Do the best you can, enjoy what you can and love them lots!

Kelly said...

1) I don't have poinsettas--no space! I think composting them is perfectly acceptable--it's what happens to all living things in the end.
2) Mix it up--your kids will never suffer for having a wealth of experiences.
3) I would have done exactly the same thing, and then reacted exactly the same afterward!! Except when we lived in SK, where I didn't really trust anyone, and I had some speed off from backing into me as I was getting out of my car (very pregnantly), to get his info...
4) Accept that as soon as you feel like you have something figured out--IT WILL CHANGE. But it's all good!

See you in a few days!!!

Clotilde said...

1- You can keep you poinsettia forever. I had one in Edmonton which I started from cuttings from a larger one. If you keep it on a window ledge and it gets very regular light, it might bloom again (but likely in February, not for Xmas), otherwise it will make a green plant. If it gets too big, you can cut it back down to make it go more bushy.

3- I used to have "form" to fill in case of accident, from my car insurance company, which I kept with a pen in the glove compartment. Here is what I found on CAA website. You can print that and keep it in the glove compartment:
Information to Record at the Scene of an Accident
Please record the following information about the other driver involved in the accident.

Other Driver's Name
Other Driver's Address
Other Driver's Telephone Number
Other Driver's License Number
Other Driver's Insurance Company
Other Driver's Policy Number
Other Driver's Vehicle Description
Witness Information

Source: http://www.caasco.com/insurance/claims/what-to-do-in-case-of-accident.jsp

Anonymous said...

Hi Stace.
I ,like you ,didn't want to throw my Poinsettia out so when it got warm enough I stuck it in my flower bed outside.It did really well there until it got choked out by other plants.

Mom Purdy