Friday, September 28, 2007

Are you there?

Hey everyone,

So you might be wondering where we have been lately. As Stacey does the bulk of the posting on this blog ... she decided to take a break for a bit. We are waging a small war on internet communications. Stacey's (temporary?) withdrawl from blogging and my permanent withdrawl from facebook, one can only assume, has dealt the mighty internets a severe blow. Yes it is only a matter of time before the world wide web crumbles. So break out your eight tracks and 4.5 inch floppys cause it is time to regain our past.

Untill our next post ( in 2024) I hope the future finds you well.

be well.

1 comment:

Tammi Hayne said...

We go through times like this when we feel we're spending too much time online..."wasted time" as we like to refer to it but when it comes down to it we can't cut ourselves off cold turkey. We love seeing the photos of you all and learning about all the adventures you go on and the development of the would almost be a crime to cut us all off from sharing in it all...

*pouting with a big bottom lip and puppy dog eyes*