Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Is it Christmas?

Ahhhhh!!! 3 of our boxes have arrived! Hooooray!!! Wow, it was exciting! We couldn't remember what was even in them so it was truly like Christmas. We waited until the kids went to bed last night and then Darryl and I opened them up. So, when they woke up this morning...Christmas!! Just no tree :)
Most of the stuff was the kids toys, books, and puzzles so it was really nice.
Besides that, all is well. Sorry for not keeping up with the blog or emailing. I'm getting tired of not having the internet at home and tired of going somewhere else to try and use it. I'm at the library right now! The kids fell asleep on the way home from South Bank so I thought that I should take advantage of the "quiet time". But, we are getting the internet hooked up this week! So, I promise to catch up on my emails this week! Really! Thanks to everyone for emailing me. Appreciate it and I'll be writing back soon!!
Not much new. Darryl's boss (on his team) took their team Lawn Bowling last Friday. Kind of cool. I thought it was like bowling but just outside but it's actually like curling. He had lots of fun and I thought it was really nice of the company to do. Then of course there were drinks to follow. We did some city sightseeing over the weekend and then to a BBQ on Sunday. One of Darryl's coworkers invited us over. Everyone at the BBQ was from Canada or the USA so that was nice. And everyone had kids so that was nice too!
Once we have our internet I'll be updating more often. And I'll be checking out the other blogs!
Oh, and some quick news - my family and Darryl's family will be happy to hear that Darcy George and Erin are expecting their First Baby!!! Congrats guys! We're so happy for you. Keep us posted!!!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Good to hear from you! It must be nice to have familiar things around--especially for the kiddies!
Take care,
Kelly :)