Tuesday, August 31, 2010

School Tomorrow!

Big day tomorrow! Shamus starts at the Wilder Penfield Elementary school tomorrow morning. (Remember - "I smell burnt toast Dr. Penfield!" That's the guy!) It's suppose to be an excellent school.

Yes, we did all this already! But he's actually going to do the whole year this time! :) And this time he won't have any daycare buddies joining him. And the day will be 85% French. So, a big step for him but we think he will do well. The only thing that Shamus isn't excited about with starting school - he has to get up early! No more sleeping in. He needs to be at school for 845am and it goes until 330pm. Tomorrow and Wednesday are only half days and then he does a full day on Thursday and Friday.

Hopefully he will like his new teacher and new school. And make some nice friends. Well, we'll know more tomorrow! Good luck Shamus.
We love you very much.


Cari said...

good luck shamus! i'm sure he'll settle in well and make lots of friends. starting school in brisbane was good practise!
that's a long school day! whatever happened to starting at 9 and finishing at 3? poor teachers!

Amy said...

All the best Shamus for your second first day of school! I am sure you'll do great and make lots of new friends :)

Lots of love to you all

Amy & Dan xxx

Clotilde said...

Bonne chance Shamus!

Let us know how it goes!!!

Anonymous said...

Bonne journée Shamus et bonne chance!
