Wednesday, September 22, 2010

It's all a walk in the park

Yeap. Just a walk in the park! Some days!!
We've had a lot going on the last couple of weeks. Shamus is in full swing at school, Breagha started daycare, I started French class, Breagha started highland dancing, Shamus starting karate...and Darryl works. :) A lot.
But, it's all a walk in the park!

We've been doing pretty well with the busy schedule. Shamus is enjoying school a lot and even went to his first birthday party last weekend. It was a pool party at the YMCA so he had a blast. I guess since we've had a lot on our plates, I've been forgetting about the blog. Literally forgetting that we even have a blog! So, I'm struggling with keeping up with it. I'm trying though!

Shamus' first day taking the bus. sniff sniff. He really is a big kid now. Crazy.

With our busy schedule, I take Breagha to daycare first, then drop Shamus off at school, then to my class, then back to meet Shamus at the bus stop (he still gets to take the bus once a day so he is happy with this arrangement :), then to pick Breagha up at daycare, then back home. We get it done!

Breagha heading out the door for her first day of daycare.

Oh, she looks happy here. And she was. That was on the first day. BUT, then she realized that daycare was 5 days a week and the weekend was only 2 days a week. Hmmm, she was liking the time at home with Mom so daycare isn't so great anymore. She gets very upset at drop off. But, I'm sure she will get used to it....again!

Even with all the running around, Darryl and I mentioned to go out together on Saturday night! It was very exciting. The kids had their first sleepover at Joe and Preetha's and Darryl and I headed downtown for Jeff's birthday celebration. We had such a great time and hope to get out more often together! :) Right baby! It was so nice to see everyone...saw some Aussie friends and Montreal friends...very nice. Jeff's sister was also in town so he had family to celebrate with him too!
Not sure why but Jeff ended up cooking his own birthday dinner! Of course everyone was glad because he is the best cook! Thank you Jeff!
Karine did a wonderful job of the desert though!!

Dinner and drinks at Jeff's and then we headed out to a bar close to his apartment. Some of Jeff's other friends and coworkers met him at the was kind of funny to see some of the people there because they were people we met in Brisbane (Darryl's old coworkers). They all seem to be adjusting to life in Montreal quite well. We had a super time.

Breagha is loving her dance class and Shamus is loving his karate class. (Pics soon!) I hope to get them back into swimming too but one thing at a time.

I'm not sure what I'll do about my French classes. I'm taking one class in the morning and one in the afternoon. But, the afternoon class is super beginner. Reaaaaalllly beginner. So, I need to figure out what other options I may have/need to find! Hopefully everything will work out.

Darryl is almost at his deadline for his project so hopefully he's crazy hours will come to an end soon. We miss him at home!!! last was International Peace Day... PEACE.


Cari said...

thanks for the update! glad to hear you're managing your busy schedule so well! :)

Nick and Mariana Vona said...

Good to see you are doing well Stace!!
Too bad Darryl is working soo much. Hopefully his crunch time will end soon.
Love the pics of the kiddos =)


Ashley said...

I can't wait to see Breagha all jazzed up in her dance outfit! And of course Shamus in his karate outfit! Miss you all
