Thursday, October 18, 2007

Shamus' Room...Ca-Chow!!

Darryl painted Shamus' room about a month ago...finally found the time to snap a couple of pictures and get them posted! Of course the theme is "CARS"...the movie.
Darryl painted the top section of the wall a light blue (about a third of the way down) and the bottom of the wall a bright blue. I like the idea. Not seen very often.

This is the outline of Shamus...I didn't think he was so tall! And he did all the wonderful artwork inside the cutout.

If you saw Shamus' room before...the whole room was pale blue. All of it...the doors, the trim, the walls...yeah. EEeeekkk. So, the doors and trim and now nice and white! And of course there's a picture of Lightning and Mater!

The wall stickers were from Grammie Rosie. Shamus loves them. And of course the bed sheets are Lightning and Mater. And I'm in the process of making a blanket for his bed. It's the same picture of Mater and Lightning ad what is on his sheet. So it should be cute when it gets finished. As long as I don't make a big mistake!!

Not sure when we'll get another room done. It's tough to find the's hard to work when the kids are sleeping...don't want to wake them...but it's impossible to do it when they're around!

Darryl did a super job! Shamus is pretty happy with the CARS room.

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