Globe Trotters anyone?
This is a great game. We bought it for the kids for Christmas and have had lots of fun with it. It's bascially the game "Twister" but you play on the globe instead. The twister part is lots of fun but the kids learn some geography as well! And there are little pictures in each continent...Great Wall of China, Sydney Opera House, Eiffel we learn along the way!
Breagha tends to do her own thing sometimes but it's quite funny to watch!
Dad and I are not as flexible as the kids. :) Shamus is surprisingly good at the game. He understands how to play and it very flexible!
Ah, that was fun. Can we play again!!!?!!
it's so cute that the kids are wearing costumes! love it!:)
What's with the costumes? Was that a trade-off for swimming goggles? ;)
Of course Shamus is good at it. He's Superman!
stace, where did you buy this game? i want to get one for my classroom!
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