Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Where does the time go?

Can you believe the kids and I have been in Nova Scotia for almost 2 months? Really. Where does the time go? It's going by extremely quickly! The only great thing about the time going so quickly is that we'll be seeing Darrylie soon!!!!

We've been very busy the past couple of weeks so of course I'm horribly behind on the blog! I keep telling Darryl that I'll get some pics posted but it doesn't seem to happen!

I was very happy to get to spend some wonderful time with Debra. She came home from Korea and I really enjoyed having her around. We enjoyed some drinks at the Red Shoe and did some dancing in Brook Village (square dancing!!!). And she was great with all the kiddies!

Mabou is a small village in Nova Scotia. But, it's very busy during the summer months. The tourists seem to love the area. And there is lots going on.

The West Mabou beach...
The kids and I have enjoyed some trips to the beach. Either during the days with some of our cousins. Or in the evening, after some ice cream!!

We also headed to Antigonish for the Highland Games. The 147th year!! Antigonish has the longest going Highland Games outside Scotland. We really enjoyed our trip! I love the marching bands.

Breagha wore her "highland dancing dress" to the Games. It's the Nova Scotia tartan and she was very pleased with it. Cute!
The kids really enjoyed the weekend. They liked watching the heavy events and loved the highland dancing. It was a very nice time. Wished Dad was with us!!!

We also got to enjoy camping at Whiddens with Aunt Kelly and the cousins!! The kids loved it. Thanks Kelly!!
We've also enjoyed relaxing in downtown Mabou!!! :) More ice cream fun...

This is the big town of Mabou...

The kids are enjoying their time in Nova Scotia. It's very relaxing at home and they have lots of playmates. The time really is going by quickly though and we'll be heading back to Montreal before we know it! It's great to have so much family around. Darryl's sister and her gang arrived from Ottawa. Duane and his gang arrived from Ottawa.
So, more updates to follow!!! Just not sure when. :)


Nick and Mariana Vona said...

Hey Stace,
Those pics of Mabou look sooo pretty!!
It seems you and the kids are having a great time =)

Cari said...

ah, it's so pretty there! your photos are great! i was thinking of you the other day...you're heading back to montreal around the same time i'm planning to start looking to go back to work. it is coming quickly! it's so nice that you and the kids got to relax and spend a summer in NS:)

Clotilde said...

West Mabou beach looks very pretty... and I want to check out Fiddles Stitches!

Thinking of you every time I eat a mint slice!